Tuesday, May 05, 2020


Rick regularly brings me flowers, something that makes me very happy. Their color, their shape, their odor all add a dimension of my daily life just by walking by them.

The last bouquet he brought in had red balls. In a few days they opened up to reveal spikes and now the spikes are puddling on the table.
"Should I sweep them up?" Rick asked.

"No, I want to see how big it grows," I said. Red and purple aren't colors that ordinarily go together, but the combination is interesting.

Some people think only when flowers are in full bloom should they be displayed, but sometimes they are interesting longer than their peak.

I hope it is an analogy for human life. I am no longer at my peak with body parts missing while others are stiff, but I hope I have value in my own right for the stage I am at just like the fallen purple spikes offer their own beauty.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. I often think the rose hips left behind when the petals fall are beautiful in themselves.
