Monday, May 04, 2020


Last month I wrote about a white pillowcase that disappeared in the wash. In the remote chance that it never made the wash, we looked through the entire house and didn't find it.

Then a few days later a white bowl, part of a set of three, went missing. Again a search produced nothing.

Finally one of Rick's UK socks did a runner. They are special socks bought on a trip to London with his daughter, just the two of them.

Part of me feels sorry, but since my husband refuses to pin his socks together before they go into the wash, the chances of one going missing are higher. He says if he does pin them, he will prick himself. I've been pinning my socks for decades and can't remember pricking myself two times. Maybe my skin is tougher.

My former housemate can usually find anything that is missing but she some 800 kilometers away and borders are blocked.

I am wondering if our things decided to hide until the virus crisis is over.

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