Tuesday, June 16, 2020

$20, etc.

Turn on the news in many countries: US, Germany, France, UK, Japan and what will you see?

Protests. Black Lives Matter (BLM). The photo is from Geneva, Switzerland.

The BLM movement started in 2013 in the U.S. Six years later black American men are still being shot by police in situations that if the police were civilians, there would be no question of murder. If the dead men were white, they would have been treated better.

Some people say, all lives matter. This is true, but saying everyone gets colds, doesn't make the person, sneezing, coughing and with a stuff nose instantly better. Racism is far graver than a cold.

On social media there are regular postings of non police whites showing racism, taunting blacks or people with accents to "go home." That is bad enough.

Recently a white woman called the police because a black man politely asked her to leash her dog.

And that's part of the problem. People call the police too often on a black man who is doing normal things.

The whole world is seeing/doing these protests. George Floyd's murder was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.

What started it? A store clerk called the police when Floyd handed him a fake $20 bill.

I know I've passed a couple of counterfeit bills without being aware of it. I left my name, contacts and showed ID. I paid with clean money.

It makes me wonder, since the clerk did call the police, did Floyd stay and wait for them to arrive? Certainly he would have had time to disappear.

I'm a white, middle class woman. I don't even know if the clerk did call the police, but had she done it and the police arrived, I would have been thrown to ground and had a cop kneel on me until I died.

As it was there was never any follow-up.

There have been no stories about the clerk who called the police. It is amazing that one person's phone call started a huge protest movement sweeping America and the developed world.

There is a long list of black men who have been killed and the police allowed to go free. They were doing their duty, it is said. They were in danger of their lives so they had to shoot an unarmed man running away in the back. Justified, they said.

Small protest would follow these verdicts. Sometimes.

This time, instead of limited or no protest, Floyd's death has triggered a world-wide reaction against racism. In white supremacists it seems to have increased their racism.

People are talking change. The poor choice of the phrase"defunding police" hurts the goal of turn police from a military-like force to one that protects the people it is suppose to serve. Yes, there are bad guys that need to be caught and punished. Yes being a policeman/woman is dangerous (my ex was a cop). Yes, there are a surplus of guns in America.

But killing someone for jaywalking does not wash.

Compared to other countries, U.S. police training is limited. Some countries require knowledge of history as well as laws, written tests on current affairs and sociological problems.

The countries in the top photo above do not have the massive inequality problems either.

The solution is not simple. It requires a massive rethink and after the rethink action to improve not just the police but the social problems.

The alleged leaders of the country have short attention spans. The higher you go, the more important party over people abounds. Nothing is being done about the corruption from banks, corporations and government.

I wonder how the person who called the police over $20 bill feels.

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