Monday, June 15, 2020

Kolrabi and Radishes

Last week's veggie bag from our local farmer contained kohlrabi. My late girl friend Barbara loved it, but had never served it to me. I'd never eaten it.

I had no idea how to cook it, so I went to the internet for a recipe. One was for kohlrabi, radishes cooked in burned butter and white wine.

Why not?

My husband is one of the least adventurist eaters I have ever known, but he bravely tried it. He thought maybe maple syrup would improve it. I'm not sure that is possible.

I expected my dog Sherlock to ignore it. Not only did he take it, he seemed to enjoy it. Without maple syrup.

I am sure there are other ways to cook the vegetable so I won't put it on the "do not deliver these veggies" list. Yet.

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