Friday, June 05, 2020

Conversation impossible

My former housemate and I used to chat on FB or Skype even when we were in the same house. She was in the basement and I was upstairs writing.

My daughter and I chat several times a week on FB.

Rick and I are usually within visual distance of one another most of the day so we don't need to use phones, FB or Skype.

Today was different. He had gone to the German part of Switzerland for a golf tournament tomorrow. Sometimes I go with him, but I decided to stay home to work on my novel DayCare Moms.

FB rang.

I answered.

The face of my beloved appeared. "The hotel is fhg vje vhfl," he said.

"I lost part of that," I said.

"The sdfkh  jgoin qrwrv shopping center ldff huge ldkfkwhga," he said.

You get the idea.

As a professional communicator, my husband had a plan B. He started spelling the words making the letters with his hands.

Suddenly, Sherlock decided that was the moment to start kissing my face, blocking part of the  letters Rick was making. I guessed, but wrong.

Equally suddenly, I got the giggles. This did nothing to improve our communication.

Rick and I usually chat about everything from the smallest detail of a petal that fell from a flower to major world events. Here we were embroiled in technical difficulties and dog slobber.

We gave up. I did understand when he said he loved me. Since he could understand me perfectly, he knows I love him. FB, not so much at the moment.

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