Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Cooking Differences

Rick and I divide cooking chores. I do Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday evening. He does Tuesday Thursday, Saturday and Sunday breakfast.

When we are in Argelès, we often "cook" at a local restaurant, so often wait staff will ask as they seat us if it is Rick's day to cook. Sometimes it was mine but I let them think it's Rick's.

Lockdown in France changed that. Restaurants weren't an alternative. We were still able to do the butcher, the baker and green grocer and each day whoever was cooking would amble down the street for whatever.

Coming back to Geneva we decided to not use chain grocery stores. We continued to buy fresh bread from our favorite baker and we are forging a relationship with the local butcher. For other stuff there is a small store.

We have a weekly delivery from a local farmer of seasonal veggies. Opening the delivery is a surprise and a challenge on what to do with them.

The biggest change is before we decided what we wanted to cook, then we went to buy it. Now we look at what we have and find a recipe. Today it was cream cauliflower soup. Although the recipe called for carrots, I had a surplus of courgettes(zucchinis) so they were the carrot replacement.

It's fun.

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