Saturday, June 13, 2020

I speak Brit

I speak American English, French, a smattering of German, but I also speak Brit.

Here's an example.

I went to HOSPITAL to visit my friend from UNI. Her GYNIE came in to sign her release and told her to make an appointment to see her next week in his SURGERY.

I offered to drive her home. My car was in the CAR PARK.

At her home she invited me in for a CUPPA. "I'LL PUT THE KETTLE ON," she said as I went into the SALON.

"Are you KNACKERED?" I asked when she came back and announced that the tea was DRAWING.

"No, really I'm more PECKISH. We can do TAKE AWAY of  FISH AND CHIPS, if you want," she said. "Or there's a SHOP nearby that does great CORNISH PASTY

While we waited, she went to the LOO and showered and I HOOVERED for her. I know how she likes a spotless house. It's something friends do. When she saw the clean rug, she said, "I'm GOBSMACKED you did that."

After we ate, I looked at my watch. It was HALF SIX. We said good byes. I left feeling CHUFFED the way my day went.

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