Sunday, June 14, 2020

Faith in humanity

Things are pretty sad these days between pandemic, protests, police brutality and incompetent people in power. That's global.

Now to the personal. Every day for months, one or more technical things have gone wrong. It could be the internet, the stove, the dryer. None of it serious but the idea that when you flip an on switch and something goes on every time, tends to fall into the impossible dream category.

It takes a lot of energy to keep cheerful.

For several weeks Rick has been working on a webinar for his main client. Today was the initial recording for next week's dress rehearsal.

My job was to keep Sherlock outside. Barks in the middle of the webinar would be unprofessional best.

Just as I stepped onto the patio, it started to sprinkle.

I decided to sit in the car and read. It had been parked on the street.

However when I unlocked the car door there was a strange hum. And hum. And hum.

An investigation showed that the side mirror was hanging from its cord.

Vandalism, I thought.

Rick, when he emerged for a break and to give me a report was less than happy when I told him. In retrospect I should have waited until the recording was done.

When he returned to the webinar project,  I sat on the patio with Sherlock by my side. The rain had stopped. The birds who have a nest over our front door kept swooping in and out.

"Donna-Lane. Someone is here about the car," My landlady called from the driveway. I went up the short flight of stairs to see a man and his daughter.

"We're here about the car," he said after we decided to speak in English.

He explained that he had a son with psychiatric problems. His mother had taken him for a walk, which usually was like any normal walk. However, early in the day as they walked by our car, he had thrown a wobbly and the result was our damaged mirror.

He kept apologizing. His daughter echoed his apologies.

We exchanged phone numbers and names. He will pay for the repairs.

Since we have French plates, he had to check houses to get the one where the owners had the car covered with butterflies.

There was no way we would have ever found out what happened  if the man hadn't been honest.

With all the bad stuff happening, I need a reminder that there is good in the world. Rick has used duck tape which solves the problem until we can get to the garage.

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