Sunday, July 05, 2020

A Swiss German Meal-Not

I was excited about spending the weekend in Bern. I knew I wouldn't see much of my husband because he was playing in a golf tournament, but I had plans for some Swiss German-style meals.

My first night I met with a friend and her husband. They suggested we eat at an Indian restaurant that they knew and liked.
Since I also had a hankering for Indian food, I said yes. They were right. It was delicious and then some.

The next day at noon I headed to Bern center to the restaurant that served traditional Swiss food. It was full up.

Next door was an Italian restaurant. Their spaghetti pesto was great.

Rick came back from the tournament tired and hungry. Again we ventured into the center of Bern. Where did we end up?

A Mexican restaurant. The quesadillas came with refried beans, guacamole and a salad. Another yummy meal.

Our drive back to Geneva took us through Payerne where I used to live. I was sure we could find at least one restaurant open.

We did.

The American Brooklyn Dinner had not been there when I lived there. Since it was the only thing open and we were running out of time that restaurants if opened would close, we went in.

Other than Uncle Sam, Marilyn, Munroe, Elvis, pink Cadillacs, American flags, posters from my childhood in America, it could have been Swiss.

The mozzarella sticks were perfection, the cheeseburger good, the service friendly.

So much for my Swiss German meal, but I did feel as if I had been on a culinary world-wide tour.

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