Wednesday, July 08, 2020


The young woman, a pretty blond, looks at the camera and says how she and friends laugh at people wearing masks. Of course, she's American.

She can laugh at me all she wants. I wear a mask to protect myself and stupid people like her. I also wear it to protect people who aren't stupid.

Although I don't think I'm a silent carrier, I won't take a chance. I have a responsibility not just to myself but to my family, neighbors, friends and strangers.

I do not understand why much of the U.S. is the only country with such a large percentage of the population not recognizing the pandemic as a problem.

They want their liberty!

Liberty for what?

Liberty to endanger others?

Liberty to increase the period when the virus is rampant?

Others scream hoax. The best argument against hoax if you can't get a small town or group to agree on some things, how can you get an entire world to agree on something. But maybe they don't follow news from other parts of the world. Maybe they just watch Fox.

Maybe other countries are just doing better to make America look bad? Could they think that? Do they care?

As of today, 60,000 new U.S. cases without Florida's numbers were logged. Other countries are under four figures, but the virus is still there.

Other countries are still taking precautions. Masks are being required more and more with some countries issuing anything from cash to prison penalties.

This is not to say other countries don't have their crazies too. A bus driver in France is brain dead, beaten by a man whom he asked to wear a mask.

Then there are the U.S. pastors that held church services. Some of them died. I guess Jesus wanted them with him sooner than the pastors and congregation planned to go.

People were seen crowding Fire Island beaches. New York worked so hard to get their deaths down. If I were a medical person that put myself and my family at risk to take care of earlier virus patients, I'd quit.

The virus is real. People's stupidity is real. It is not just flu. Richard Quest of CNN had it in April. He is reporting after-symptoms and needs to do medical tests such as MRI. He is not alone in this. My hairdresser's brother is still in rehab as part of his recovery. He was sick in March.

Darwin talked about survival of the fittest. Maybe the virus is nature's way of weeding out the stupid or willfully ignorant including the mocking blond brat.

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