Monday, August 10, 2020


Seven years ago today, we were rushing around preparing the hall for our commitment ceremony. It had already been a week of festivities as people came from California, Massachusetts, England, Switzerland, Denmark, Netherlands, Scotland and parts of France--40 of them to celebrate with us.

Patricia from La Noisette had prepared the feast. Stephanie at Bartavelle, brought the flowers. She had served a wonderful meal to our family of choice of members the night before.

 Marina went to the florist to pick up floral crown.

Barbara put the finishing touches on my dress.

RB2 was ready to officiate.

It was a great party.

For Rick and I it was a continuation, a formalization of what we felt in front of those we loved.

We had no idea what we would face some biggies: residency problems, language challenges, cancer. We met them all and it made us stronger. We know we can meet future ones, but prefer the need will not be there.

Daily life is not just romantic. It is dirty dishes, taking out the garbage, running errands, walking the dog (that has added a great dimension to our lives), dealing with sickness, too much to do in too little time.

Daily live can be romantic. A bouquet of flowers, a cup of tea brought to the bed in the morning, a last cookie shared. I wish we could tally up all the times we laughed, snuggled, solved the world's problems, shared a movie, a book. It would be in the thousands or hundreds of thousands.

On that day, seven years ago, I promised that: "I cannot give you my heart today for you already have it. You came back into my life when it was full and you made it even fuller.

"I know you’ve made tremendous changes so we can blend out lives and every day in every way I promise that I will make you glad you did.

"I want to encourage you in your great strengths: your kindness, your lovingness, your creativity, your warmth.

"I will be there for you when dark clouds cross our horizons and together we will find the sun even on the blackest days.

I loved you, I love you, I will love you."

He made this promise. "I want to bring you joy and laughter.

"I want brush away tears, to comfort you in sorrow. I promise to support you in your aspirations, challenge you to be the person you want to be, and to honor and respect your individuality with my whole heart and soul."

Rick, you have lived up to those promises and more than any woman could hope for in husband. I will continue to try to live up to mine.  

Happy Anniversary.



1 comment:

  1. Seven years. Wow
    Such a sweet day that was. We remembered it , every time I look at the party favor you gave us ; that is proudly displayed on a prominent book shelf.
    We thank you have letting us share in beautiful day.
