Wednesday, August 12, 2020




 We  had the following trips planned for the two us of this fall:

  • Toronto
  • Nova Scotia
  • Boston
  • Ireland
  • Iceland
  • Norway

None of the trips will happen. Some of the trips were business, some involved golf tournaments others were to visit friends and family. 

No one should feel sorry for us. During our 7 years together, we've gone many places. Even before Rick came back into my life, I visited places around the U.S., Europe and the Middle East. 

Then again, when I first lived in Switzerland on holiday I traveled around Switzerland telling people, "It used to take a good day's flight to come here. Now I just go out my door."  When we couldn't leave Switzerland because of shutdown, Rick and I explored places in Switzerland. Some I was revisiting and wanted to show him, some I wanted to see for the first time. Even in our own village we still find something unexpected worth at least an ooo if not an ooo and ahh also.

Years ago, my friend and housemate RB2, and I would cross the Swiss border Saturday morning into France to grocery shop. We were careful not to buy perishables, because we would turn down this road or that and discover things like a deserted absinthe factory, a sausage company, a castle, a cave etc.

We have friends that have what they call "Tourist Tuesday" where they investigate something near where they live. We don't always do it as regularly, but often enough. If our destination accepts dogs, Sherlock goes with us. If they don't we leave him at Furry Friends, a doggy care center and adventure center for canine where he will have fun.

Someday we may wander further, but the world is full of things to discover if not in our backyard, the backyard next door.

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