Monday, September 07, 2020

Happy New Year


To me, September was always the start of the New Year. Perhaps it has a lot to do with 20 years of starting a new school year and an equal number of seeing my daughter off to a new school year.

When I was working, it was the start of new projects when all the staff was back from holiday and all our clients were once again at their desks. People's attention were on work more than holidays. 

I started my life in Switzerland in September.

Although we often spend September in Argelès, many of our international friends have headed back to Dublin, London, Ely, Copenhagen, Toronto and Stockholm in late August.

The tourists that remain in ASM are older or have children not of school age.

This year we head back to Geneva a bit early.

The days are shorter.

Psychologically, my writing has surged with the change of the month. It is more focused with less time to sit in cafés and chat with friends (distanced of course).

The temperature is cooler, and I'm looking forward to the change of leaf color in Geneva. I know that the colors do not compare with those of my native New England, but they are still beautiful and as much a season-change signal as the daffodils and rapeseed in Spring. It conducive to new projects and generating energy for walks.Nature has a new wardrobe for a "new year."

This morning I needed a sweatshirt as I walked around the corner to return a basket and dishes to a neighbor. As usual in ASM, it became a conversation that added to my day. 

Tomorrow I pack. I do not know how long we will be in Geneva. Other travel plans (Toronto, Nova Scotia, Boston, Ireland and Norway are postponed). 

None of that matters. I am beginning a new year and my novel needs to come from my brain through my fingers into the computer.

Happy New Year.

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