Wednesday, September 09, 2020



To Pauline S...who commented once my posts were always happy.


We were about to go to Geneva. Our flat has rolloden, (electronic shutters) that we need to open the door. I kept the remote in the pocket of my suitcase. As soon as I got out of bed, I went to transfer it to my purse. 

Husband Rick was in the shower. 

The remote wasn't there. I unpacked and repacked the suitcase. I wondered if maybe I had put it in my computer case, although unlikely because this was a seven-year habit. It wasn't there either. 

Was I going senile? 

Maybe my desk drawer.

Not there.


We wouldn't be able to get into our flat unless our landlords were home to let us in through their house. Or if we arrived too late, they'd be asleep. Could we go to a hotel for the night? We would need to replace it and how long would it take? 


My husband came out of the shower. We have a no pussyfooting rule...we tell the truth and let the other know about bad situations or dumb things we do. Although I dreaded it, I told him the remote was missing from my suitcase. 

"I took it," he said. "It's in my green bag."

My husband is a wonderful man. I adore him. 

I'm a bit OCD or CDO (alphabetical order is better). I preplan. I put things in a certain place so they will be there when I need them, sometimes in minutes, sometimes much later like the remote in my suitcase. More than once my beloved has moved them. I will admit that he does it to my glasses but he puts them in a special place where I can find them. And I will also admit that I also put things down and forget when I put them. 

He admitted that he should have told me. Once I stopped shaking from the worry, I forgave him.

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