Thursday, October 01, 2020

Hospital Beds

 "The hospital kept 32 beds on the fourth floor for patients who had botched abortions. Knitting needles, bicycle spokes, anything metal that might have been used."

Dr. Louis Gerstley, Chief at Philadelphia General Hospital 1956-1976

During the year it took me to research Coat Hangers and Knitting Needles: Tragedies of Abortion before Roe v Wade, I discovered most major hospitals set aside beds in a ward for women who had had botched abortions. The number of beds varied with the size of the communities they served.

Dr. Gersley told of some of the horrors such as the use of potassium permangante to end a pregnancy: "It was a strong oxidizing agent and it burns the tissue...if the woman was lucky, it didn't burn through into the rectum or bladder. ..It was like trying to suture butter."

I came across horror story after horror story in my research, each with desperation as the seed. 

Abortion will never be stopped, no matter how many laws are passed. Women with means will go where it is legal and safe. Poor women will risk their lives by either do-it-themselves methods or go to backroom abortionists, many of whom are unqualified. 

I heard the horror stories of unsanitary conditions. More than one woman told of being sexually assaulted after the procedure.

If pro-life people spent the same energy on:

  • Sex education from early teens on
  • East access to birth control for all teenagers on
  • Affordable pre-natal care for women who will continue with their pregnancies
  • Affordable delivery costs
  • Affordable after-delivery costs
  • Better adoption choices
  • Financial help if women keep their babies (food stamps, medical care)
  • Affordable creches/day care so women can work.

More women might decide on something other than abortion. Not all. Finances are not the only reason a woman will decide she cannot continue with a pregnancy. d

During the writing of the book and after I was saddened by the reality of the damage anti-abortion laws do to women's lives.

I make no money on this book. I send it, at my expense to pro-life legislators and crusaders. I encourage people who are pro-choice to buy it and pass it onto a pro-life person. There is no copyright.

1 comment:

  1. Great Article… I love to read your articles because your writing style is too good.
    Hospital Beds
