Saturday, October 03, 2020

Spider web



As I was showering, I saw a spider web between the wall and the towel rack. The owner was no where to be seen.

I have no fear of spiders, although my brother does. During a summer job where he had an all night job at a diner, a customer came in to find my macho-looking brother on the counter quivering. He explained to the customer, there was a spider. The customer dispatched the spider. My brother, I suspect, was grateful he never had to see that man again.

My former housemate has a dislike of spiders, no where as great as my brothers. If no one else is around to kill one, she would do the deed herself. 

When we picked up our rescue pup, his name was Spider. We quickly changed it rather than subject my former housemate to even a cute form of a creature bearing the word spider.

I often use shower time to plan my writing day, but a spider web derailed my mind. I wondered where the spider had gone.

Why had she built her home and disappeared?

Was it that there was no food source in the bathroom?

And then I thought about the thought process a spider goes through while spinning a web. There has to be an instinctive method passed down through time immemorial. But are there spiders that tend to go all Frank Lloyd Wrightish and create a totally different design?

Perhaps I am suffering from having read Charlotte's Web to my daughter. Charlotte was an appealing character. 

Webs can be beautiful in their design and delicacy. Especially after a rain or morning dew they can be diamond-like with their sparkles.

 I did not take down the web. Nor did the spider return.

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