Friday, June 02, 2023

Free Write -- The stage

The four workmen, Pierre, Yanick, Eric and Jean were putting the wooden stage together. The old planks had been used for outdoor summer concerts and dances for at least 30 years.

They'd heard French and Anglo pop tunes and many Latin American bands played as the villagers rumbaed and tangoed in front of the speakers and under the stars.

Jean was the boss. He had 20 years, plus or minus, over the other three men He let them slither under the planks to check that the sections were secure. 

Many years ago, Jean couldn't remember how many, two sections had separated. The guitar played had fallen and broken his leg.

Jean went to the truck that had brought the stage parts to the village square. They would tear down the stage tomorrow and repeat the Friday building/Saturday tear down all summer for the amusement of the villagers and tourists.

"Good work," Jean said.

Rick, who free writes with me, published a blog of his free write.

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