Friday, August 11, 2023

10 on the 10th


August 10th was the 10th anniversary of Rick's and my commitment ceremony. We didn't want a legal marriage for many reasons including my not wanting to give up 41 years of single bliss and French/Swiss inheritance laws. 

When we cleared those hurdles in 2015, we legalized our relationship at the Corsier village mairie. In France and Switzerland, the ONLY legal marriage is one done at city hall. Three million church weddings for the same couple would have NO legal recognition.

What a ride it has been. 

We have had less arguments than we have fingers on one hand, not counting the thumb. Lots of discussions. Our no pussyfooting rule, I think, sidesteps any issue that might arise.

We weathered my cancer thanks to Rick's wonderful care. Getting him to be a legal resident was a challenge, solved by our marriage. 

Then there was all the paperwork for Rick's nationality and his battle to learn French to pass the necessary tests. His hearing problems did cause a few blips. His accent is far better than mine, however.

Never mind the joys of each day, the adventure of discovering new places, developing (always) our writing, breathtaking scenery. 

art of my happiness is just being with him. We can be alone together or together together, it is all good.

To celebrate we decided to take a three-hour lunch cruise of Lake Léman. 

While waiting for the boat, we discovered a violin-playing puppet and talked as best we could with a Moroccan tourist family who had two of the cutest little boys. It was a hodgepodge of English, French, Arabic, Spanish and the warmth of sharing a moment by the beautiful lake.

The Savoie tooted her readiness to leave as we settled into the upper deck dining room. I've taken several lake cruises over the years, but every time, the pleasure is a little different. Besides views of the jet d'Eau and Mt. Blanc, we identified the docks and beaches where we've regularly walked.

We identified the house where I once lived by the solar panels, the Aga Khan's former mansion and the Little Mermaid.

The lake is in both France and Switzerland and more than once we've enjoyed a trip to Yvoire, France  (about 20 mins. by car) for lunch and poking around. It's a different view from the lake.

Prosecco to toast our anniversary, a good meal, followed by a meringue with double cream only added to the pleasure. I had a bite of Rick's polenta, the best I've ever tasted.

We went out on the deck for the remainder of the voyage. Unlike most of the planet, which is sweltering, the temperature was comfortable, the blue sky was dotted with clouds.

Before we docked, we had to take a picture on the machine that powers the boat. It was Swiss spotless.


It was over as we strolled hand in hand thru the Jardin Anglais to head back home and our dog who was overjoyed to see us. 

I'm more than ready for another 10 years.

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