Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Tuesday Free Write-The woman alone at a table


Our regular café for our Tuesday free writes is closed for holiday. We found a new one in a nearby village. We both described the woman, whom we selected as a prompt, the same way. The chocolate chip bun and black tea were delicious. The flowers and view of the lake titillated our creativity.

Rick's free write

She has served her time. now it was her time.

Each morning, when the weather co-operated, she would walk down the hill from her modest apartment and take the same seat at the same table on the café terrace overlooking the lake. A cup of tea, a buttery croissant and a bite of Martel chocolate with a cigarette chaser.

She had managed on a secretary's salary to travel throughout Europe and the Middle East, sometimes on the NGO's expense account thanks to her attractive looks and her willingness to look the other way at minor indiscretions. 

She still had a girlish figure, although she hid it under a sweatshirt and jeans.

Her hair had gone whitish gray. Her dark rimmed glasses still stylish, but needing new prescription lenses.

The neighborhood calico cat approached along the marble wall of the terrace fish pond, which was her cue to leave. She was allergic to cats. And come to think of it, to people, too.

D-L's free write

Annabel sat on the terrace staring at the garden watching the bees flit among the pink flowers.

A calico cat strutted along the wall, looked at her and walked away.

Her gray hair was in a pony tail, the way she hadn't worn it since the 60s.

She glanced at her watch. Two more hours to kill before she could go home.

Home. That was a word that didn't fit her house. How long had she pretended, making sure it was decorated for holidays and parties. Only one room was hers where she escaped to paint, when social obligations lightened.

Harold had been shocked when she has said "good" to his "I want a divorce." He told her his new love would never go out in a sweat suit like she was now wearing.

She lit a newly bought cigarette, her first in 22 years. Harold didn't approve of smoking. Coughing, she wondered why she had ever enjoyed it.

The lake below glistened. She glistened.

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