Monday, September 04, 2023

Carpe Diem and Googly Eyes


This painting was a gift from a very special friend who out-carpe-diems me not that there is a contest. Thinking of her reminds me of all those special moments in a day when I see a flower, a special tree shape, a kiss by my husband when he passes by my chair -- the moments are limitless if I take the time to feel them. Most of the time I do, thanks to her.

This special friend confirms that I am not the only one who doesn't care a diddly damn about brand names, want an expensive anything, be content with what I have which is more than enough and savor most minutes of the day that has been presented to me as a gift.

If you look at the lower left hand corner of the painting there are two goggly eyes. My special friend has been putting googly eyes on things for years. She gave me a package to do the same.

The fish sculpture in my 400 year old stone kitchen wall has one. From time to time I place them on something than giggle making a carpe diem moment.

Afraid I was running low on goggly eyes, my friend brought me a new packet. Like the old packet I keep it in my pocketbook (New England for purse) ready to be put to use anytime anywhere followed by a giggle.

I do post my carpe diems several times a week on Facebook. Friends have said they like them. I hope so, I loved living them.


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