Sunday, September 03, 2023

Sherlock goes Rogue


Sherlock our almost six-year old mixture 7 kilos (15.43 pounds) is usually non aggressive. He prefers dogs his size or smaller to bigger dogs.

One of his hobbies is to look out our front door to the narrow street in our tiny French village. He will bark at dogs, cats and people in a half-hearted manner until we discourage it.

There is one exception -- a pitbull at least five times his size. That dog comes up to the glass and Sherlock's barks could deafen half the street and the pitbull's barks would deafen the other half.

Rick and I thought if we opened the door, Sherlock would seek high ground fast and not say another woof.


Yesterday, Rick opened the door to go for a walk with Sherlock, not being aware the pitbull was just down the street. Sherlock went after that dog with the force of an AR-15 bent on wiping the dog out.

Rick had all he could do to reel Sherlock in. Holding him was equally difficult. The dog was quivering and barking with a let-me-at-him ferocity we have not seen in the dog's entire six years of life.

The pitbull owner restrained her dog.

The only one hurt was Rick from Sherlock's nails as they dug into his arm in his desire to launch himself at his enemy.

Sherlock was still shaking when we were back inside the house safely. We haven't seen the pitbull on the street since then, but I'm sure that is a coincidence.

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