Thursday, September 28, 2023



I wish my husband could give me a concentration transfusion.Why...

When he's writing or doing anything detailed, the world could end and he wouldn't know for at least 24 hours.

Yes, I'm jealous.

As a writer, I will work for so long, then I'm tempted to take a break, check Facebook, look at email, the news, play a game.

Each day I say to myself --"Self, today you won't let yourself be distracted." Each day my Self responds, "ha, ha, ha, ha, ha . . ."

I still get everything done. This blog is being written as I half finished writing about an artist that had incredible hardships. The first draft is done, but I need to cut about 30 words. Normally, I love editing my work down. Tomorrow.

However, I'm writing this blog, and there's a cookie on the kitchen table which I think would taste good, and  . . .

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