Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Free Write Book Banning.


Every time I read about book banning -- or worse book burning -- I shudder.

The U.S. is promoting ignorance under all kinds of excuses such as:

1. It will upset children. When they find out they were prohibited from knowing the truth, they will be upset. Even in the era of non banning this happens. When I started digging in history and discovered what wasn't covered, I felt angry. 

2. They will be indoctrinated. Not letting them having the full story is just another type of indoctrination.

Kids are smarter than we give them credited for. In high school we weren't allowed to read Othello because of mixed racial marriage. Needless to say I got a copy of it as fast as I could and read it and was convinced the school administration was at best weird.

Although my daughter is grown, when she was in school I would have been furious if wonderful books which are now on the banned list were not available at school either in the library or taught in the classroom because of narrow-minded people. Equally, I went out of my way to see she was exposed to history, good, bad and indifferent.

I worry about a country that is deliberately encouraging ignorance in the young.

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