Thursday, November 02, 2023

FlashNano2023 Unrequited Love

 FlashNano2023 Day 2 of writing a flash fiction piece to a prompt.


The "hi" on Classmates shocked me. It was from Charles Cox. 

Decades before when he was a high school senior and I was a lowly freshman, I had a crush on him along with five friends. We monitored what he was wearing, where he had parked his MG, and how he walked to class.

He was gorgeous with almost black curly hair, blue eyes and a smile that would have melted anyone of us. We thought he was more handsome than Elvis. But those blue eyes were only for Cornelia (Neil) Mason, another senior with long blond hair and a sophisticated distance from other humans.

Charles graduated went to university as a start of what he planned was to be the start of a medical career.

Our paths never crossed. 

I answered his hi.

He then asked what I was doing.

I told him I was living in London, graduated from the London School of Economics, appeared from time to time on BBC as an expert economist. My husband was a doctor. I was about to be a grandmother. My other son was at Oxford.

His photo showed a chubby man whose dark curly hair was long gone. His profile said nothing about being a doctor.

I had given up looking for a response when almost a month later, it came. "I really don't remember you."

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