Saturday, November 04, 2023

FlashNano2023 Lilies


Day 3: Write a story whose descriptions rely only on the sense of smell or hearing (or both).

God, she hated the smell of lilies. Seems all funeral bouquets had to have lilies. Someone told her if you pluck the center out of the flowers, they wouldn't smell, but she couldn't go into the rooms where people were saying their goodbyes to friends and loved ones and start plucking centers.

The first room was quiet. When she peeked in, there was a casket. Chairs were lined up but there was no one other than the deceased. There were many bouquets with lilies, She debated going in and attacking the lilies. Instead she took breaths through her mouth.

The second room had mainly old people mumbling at each other in groups. The body in the casket was an old woman.

The third room was where Joe was. The death notice had suggested contributions to either cancer or heart research in place of flowers. A circle of roses was on his casket with the word "Daddy." They were too young to be here. 

No lilies. Joe's visiting hours were still a half hour away. She adjusted her dress, took a deep breath and walked in. 

Roses smell better than lilies.

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