Tuesday, November 07, 2023

FlashNano2023 5 A Child Star Becomes a Cult Leader

“Watch out.” Anthony yelled at the camera man.

He knew camera movements from his childhood days as Bobby on a hit TV series. It ran for eight years., but when he went from a cute five-year old to a sulky teen, they killed him off.

“Where’s my robe?”

Sister Melissa scuttled to the dressing room. She returned with the purple robe and gold scarf and helped him put it on.

“Don’t mess my make-up.” He had a headache from one too many vodkas last night.

“Teddy, did you find the Bible quote about evil women? Any one will do.” He’d never really read the Bible. His staff took care of finding the right quotes.

“Five minutes, Father Anthony.”

His program was on 35 stations throughout the south every Sunday morning. He had not reached that statue of Joel or Joyce, but he was sure it would happen. His numbers were growing as was his bank account: donations and a good stockbroker.

This time he wouldn’t squander the money he’d made as a kid. His parents had been scrupulous about guarding it, but he took control at 21.

He never wanted to do his program live. You can’t edit a live program.

His mind was half on his meeting with his marketing manager after the recording.

As he walked to his spot, he smoothed his hair. Can’t bring the word of the lord with messy hair, he thought.


FlashNano2023 6: A Stranger in the Kitchen

“Who are you? Leah looked at a little boy standing in front of her dishwasher.

He couldn’t be more than seven, if that.

He had dark curly hair which needed shampooing and a Boston Celtics T-shirt which also needed a wash. His jeans were torn but they might have been made that way.

She’d just got out of the shower when she heard the backdoor slam.

She’d put on her bathrobe and rushed downstairs.

Stupid, she thought. It might be a killer. The kid was no killer.

“I’m hungry,” the little boy said.

“What would you like?”

“Can you make pancakes?”

This is stupid, she thought as she added an egg and milk to flour.

“Can you tell me where your mommy is?”

“I don’t know. She fell down and the ambulance took her away. I hid under the bed with Spike.” He held out a dirty stuffed animal of an unknown species.

“I slept in your garden last night. It smelled better than behind the restaurant.”

As she stirred the batter, she wondered what to do after she solved his hunger.

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