Thursday, January 11, 2024

Keeping America Safe--NOT


They say the United States has a huge defense budget to keep Americans safe. It is larger in size than the next nine countries.

Americans are unsafe in many other areas in comparison to other industrialized countries. They are more likely to be damaged by local factors than an attack from another country.

The U.S. is not keeping citizens safe in their daily lives. Americans are free from the things that would make their lives better. Citizens in other countries enjoy these safety features. Here are just a few examples.

Not Safe From Guns

40,167 people died from shooting in 2023. More than 36,160 were wounded. There were 630 mass shooting many in places that should have been safe such as the grocery store, churches,  schools.

Not Safe from Ignorance

School curriculums have been watered down or include lies. Book banning keeps children from the knowledge they will need to be informed citizens.  

Not Safe from Limiting their Chances

How many people have not been able to fulfill their full potential by not being able to afford higher education?  And if they do how handicapped are they the rest of the lights with educational, debt?

Not Safe from Food or Lack of Food

It is estimated that 44 million people in the U.S. face hunger. That includes one in five children.

There are not enough inspectors to make sure that food producers are following safety standards in content and production.

Not Free from Unsafe Working Conditions

An American worker dies every 96 seconds from a work-related accident. There are not enough inspectors to do the checks.

Not Safe from Weather

Fires, tornadoes, hurricanes have increased because of climate change. 2023 was the hottest year in history.

Not Safe from Medical Bankruptcy

Cost of medical treatment, hospitalization, drugs can wipe out a family's finances. This does not exist in other industrialized countries.

Not Free from Unsafe Bridges

Some 42,000 U.S. bridges are considered unsafe according to Scientific American.

Not Safe from Corrupt Politicians

Oklahoma is a good example of politicians working with the oil and gas industry. The industry fracking practices contributed to 953 earthquakes in one year and politicians backed their practices. Just one of thousands of examples...politicians who put party and career over the people they are elected to serve. Corrupt politicians do exist ever where. 

Not Safe from Corporations Putting Profit over People

Companies hiding climate change information, other industries making short cuts to bring a product to market before it has been tested or people trained in its use, inferior materials substituted for safer ones...the list goes on.

Not Safe from Lobbyists

Millions of dollars are spent to buy votes that are in their interest but could hurt ordinary citizens.

Women Not Safe from Pregnancy

Women whose lives would be damaged if they have a baby or were raped or a victim of incest cannot get a safe abortion in many places.

Women who want their babies but can't because they have major medical problems and cannot get a safe abortion in many places.

Women whose baby had died in the womb cannot get a safe abortion in many places. 

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