Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Let it snow

 The flakes started as we were in the tea room. By the time we arrived home an hour later, there was a ground covering.

Once everyone I know and love are safe, I adore a good snow storm. Back in Geneva, I was hoping for one. Too often Geneva has rain. One has to drive up an Alp or a Jura to get snow.

Thriugh lunch, it continued to fall until we had quite a few centimeters of wet, sticky snow, perfect for snowmen.

I convinced my husband we needed to go out and build a snow dog.

After bundling up, we headed out. Sherlock ran ahead doing zoomies. I wonder if he knew that snow was really white water would he be as happy. Water, in his doggie mind, is to the avoided totally.

Rick piled the snow up against a tree: body, head, ears and tail. We located too small rocks for eyes. 


Inside we toweled off the dog, put the kettle on decided whether to watch something on Netflix or read.

What a wonderful, wintry day!

Note: Check out D-L at

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