Monday, February 26, 2024

Fondue Drizzle


It's still cool enough for a fondue lunch. We tend to buy the cheese already grated and mixed.

Rick went out to buy Sterno. I've been told that in Switzerland fondue making is more of a man's thingie. I had no problem with letting him make lunch.

But then, he was able to find our tiny fondue pot, but not the container to hold the Sterno. We have not made fondue at home since we moved.

My taster had been set for fondue.

Rick had also bought Julia bread, our name for the Manora bread with a variety of seeds. It was our friend Julia, who introduced us to it.

"We'll melt the cheese on the stove with the garlic and white wine but put it on slices of Julia bread" I said.

Rick had his head in the frigo (fridge). He found sliced turkey and bacon. 

Voilà. We had a special open-faced sandwich that was wonderful. I'm sure we will make it again, not in place of the traditional fondue, but for another meal.

We've named it Fondue Drizzle.

I just hope they don't take our Swiss passports away.

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