Monday, February 26, 2024




Rick and I were reading in bed with Sherlock curled up between us.

Then the dog raised his head, barking at the top of his tonsils (Do dogs have tonsils?) andsprinted off the bed and ran into the living room.

Putting my book aside, I followed him. He was standing on his back legs, front paws on the window barely breathing between barks. He was seven kilos of tension.

I had no idea what was in the garden outside. The squirrels were probably sleeping. Cats were rare. Maybe the fox had come for his nighttime meal.

I pulled back the window drape and gasped. The moon was peeking through the branches that would be plum laden in a few months. 

Sherlock stopped barking, although I doubt that the moon was the reason.  

What followed was a moment of peace and beauty.

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