Thursday, February 08, 2024

Kissinger and Harvard

What the hell was Harvard University thinking creating the Henry A. Kissinger Professorship of Statecraft and World Order? 

Will the person who assumes the chair emulate his evil, teach how to indirectly kill people all over the world, send Americans to  their deaths in unnecessary wars? Will they have to do lectures on torture as a means of population control?

Whoever sits in the chair is supposed to “ a distinguished analyst of diplomacy, strategy and statecraft,” as well as having an “excellent record of academic achievement and of contributing to public policy debate on how to build a stable international order.”

Another of Kissinger's accomplishments was helping to overthrow the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende leading to the rule of Augusto Pinochet and the deaths of thousands and thousands of Chileans as well as the torture of multitudes.

His interference in Pakistan, East Timor, Vitenam, Cambodia also brought death to the citizens of those countries and crushed hopes of a better government.

Kissinger was not only one of the most evil men of the 20th century, he was a con man, convincing people in powerful positions that his way was the best way.

There should be no chair. If there is a chair anyone who takes it should teach about the damage the man did, something the world is still paying the price for.



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