Sunday, February 11, 2024

Trump's Invitation to Communists again.

The word communism sends most Americans into panic spasms. As a kid, I remember being afraid of Russia. In drills, we hid under our desks, hands over heads to know what to do if and when we were nuked by Russia. Why did Russia want to kill me, I wondered. I went to bed hoping I would wake up in the morning.

Imagine my surprise to discover this fear of Communism wasn't true in Europe. In the late 1980s during a French election, I saw billboards which said in French, "I'm a Communist and I Vote."

Driving through Cabestany in Southern France recently on a small building there was a sign, "French Communist Party Headquarters."

At the NGO where I worked in Geneva (1993-2003), my data processing clerk and her husband were both Communists.

My Czech neighbors in Geneva worked at the Czech consulate and took me to Prague and showed me the difference between the Communist and the non-Communist days. A Russian friend who hosted us in St. Petersburg did the same.

Not only in Prague and St. Petersburg, but in other countries that were once behind the Iron Curtain the change is clear. The golden arches and other western chain stores throughout are just one example.

At the same time NATO was keeping us safe. We knew it was a shared alliance of countries that thought like we did. Together we were all stronger.

The Iron Curtain came down and Communism mellowed. In its ideals it is wonderful -- in reality not so much. 

Putin, who grew up and succeeded under Communism, follows the playbook of Stalin only less extreme. It doesn't matter what one calls him. His ideology is power which he wields backed by force, although his attempts to take over Ukraine have not gone smoothly. 

What has that got to do with Trump? 

He rages about NATO not paying its share.

When Trump says he wouldn't help a country attacked by Russia that hadn't paid up, he is showing his ignorance.

What is worse he has invited Russia "to do whatever the hell they want" to countries that don't pay. Does he not understand that NATO doesn't pay dues? That they support NATO with a 2% percentage of their GDP in their national defense budgets? It is a guideline not a binding contract.

It is not the first time he invited Russia to go against America's interest. Remember he wanted them to look for Hillary's emails?

Putin must love this.

What is amazing that the MAGAs aren't horrified. Just being called a Communist with or without proof can destroy a person's reputation. It is part of the MAGA goals to make America great again (their concept), but to change the world order and hand the balance of power to a Communist country is traitorous and insane.

Note: D-L Nelson has had 17 books published. Visit her website at

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