Saturday, March 23, 2024

Make Every Word Count

I'm about to do my first edit on my new book 300 Unsung Women. I thought back to when as a writer, journalist and marketing person, I learned to make every word count. That led me to remember the "Kill Dear Society"

I joined the unofficial society when my Boston University prof, the late Pat Jackson, also Public Relations Society of America President, said every word should count. Writing dear on a letter when the person wasn't was a lost opportuniity. Better a letter should start with a phrase and the person's name.

I will attend the meeting, Fred...

I used it to write Mike Welch, head of the Credit Union Executives Society (CUES) to complain that the marketing conference CUES would hold in Missouri had not passed the Equal Rights Amendment. I did not know then he too was a Kill Dear member.

Note: I went to the conference, met my now husband and began a life long relationship with Mike who became my mentor, friend, and even boss when I was the international correspondent for his trade journal.

At one point, I spoke in front of his CUES conference. The large audience didn't scare me. Mike, my professional god, standing at the back of the room did. 

I asked him to leave. 

He did and went to the room where my speech was being recorded and later congratulated me on a job well done.

Fast forward to a time when letters are rare.

I started my own newsletter for Canadian credit union executives and I was innundated with press releases. 95% started with either, "XYZ Co. is pleased to announce" or "XYZ Co., a leading producer of..."

What a waste of space and my time. Maybe IF I had time, I'd search for an interesting lead. Mostly they went into the trash.

So this afternoon, I will begin my edit. I suspect I will drop or tighten 10-20% of the words. 

Thanks Pat. Thanks Mike for making my writing stronger.

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