Thursday, March 21, 2024

Socialism = Happiness?????


Socialism is used as a threat and a dirty word in American politics. 

Yet interestingly enough on the latest happiness of countries report the four happiest countries are:

  1. Finland
  2. Denmark
  3. Iceland
  4. Sweden

 All are heavily socialistic.

The US, which claims to be the best country in the world, didn't make the top 20. 

What do the socialistic countries offer.

  • Health care that won't leave one bankrupt.
  • Higher education where tuition debts will not follow one much of their life.
  • Freedom on many personal choices.
  • Regulated and safe working conditions.
  • Vacations and holidays that are up to six weeks. Congress is just beginning to look to make a vacation the right of every worker which does not exist today. Part of the new Republican plans in Congress are to cut Social Security and Medicare the lifeline of many Americans.
  • A sense of equality.

In other words, freedom from the very real worries that affect people.

This does not mean socialism solves the ordinary problems of life. People still lose loved ones, spouses cheat, bosses can make life miserable, the internet can go down, etc., etc. etc. These things happen in socialistic countries, but they are not in addition to the basics which add to the quality of life.

I've lived in six countries that are more socialistic than the U.S. Although none were perfect and had their own idiosyncrasies and problems ALL gave me a higher quality of daily life than when I lived in the U.S.

Maybe the word socialism shouldn't be so scary after all.

D-L Nelson is a writer of 17 books. She lives in Switzerland and France. Visit her website


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