Sunday, June 23, 2024

Julie Andrews was right


"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens..." The song from Sound of Music lists Julie's favorite things. Along with her list, here is mine:

Cuddling with my husband and my dog at the same time or different moments.

Flowers for their color and the design of their leaves. Some are beautiful, others like Birds of Paradise are interesting.

Most colors . . . but especially dusty rose, baby blue and purple.

Getting into a prewarmed bed on a cold night.

A conversation with a stranger on a bus, in a restaurant or anywhere.

Disappearing into a novel where I live with the characters (writing or reading).

My handmade pens with their stone barrels and the way they feel in my hand. Watching words come out of the nib on paper.

A hot shower on a cold morning.

Learning something new.

Seeing the people I love happy.

The smell of popcorn popping.

Some of the handmade furniture in my flat. I imagine the person who carved the desk and painted the tiny cabinet blue with a basket of fruit.


Watching the wind in the trees or snow falling.

Note: visit D-L's website


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