Monday, June 24, 2024

Height, Identity and Presidents


We pass this cornfield regularly when walking Sherlock. Last week, the plants were too small to identify. This week their heigths vary from small to a few that have shot up above the others.

It triggered me thinking about height and identity. 

I did not realize I was short at five one or 153 centimeters until I was in my mid-twenties. Dating my ex who was almost six feet I wouldn't wear high heels because I was afraid I'd tower over him.

Some five years later when I was working and mentioned how tiny a new employee was my co-workers informed me she was much taller and heavier than I was. I weighed 100 pounds at the time.

I think of another co-worker, a short man with a swagger and arrogance. Someone said he had PMS (Petite Man Syndrome) causing him to compensate for his lack of height.

Then there was a housemate who was almost six feet. Unlike many tall women, she did not slouch. She strode, her head held high.

When my dog peed on her coat, the problem wasn't so much that she loved the coat, but that finding one that fit that she also loved was difficulty. Fortunately, the pee stains came out.

Only in discussions did she reveal that it was hard enough to find a man, never mind someone as tall or taller than she was.

I have had other conversations with tall women who cite the same problem with finding tall men. More than one complained that many tall men like shorter women -- the like you, you tall man stealer -- being implied. 

It was never my intention to steal from the tall men marketplace. 

There is a study: Human Height Is Positively Related to Interpersonal Dominance in Dyadic Interactions. Other studies of other cultures show women prefer taller men while men prefer shorter women.

I've read in U.S. presidential elections, the taller man wins but that's not true. Trump is three inches taller than Biden. I hope it isn't true for this year's election and the shorter man wins.

Twenty presidents have been six feet or over. The shortest president was the well-educated James Madison at five foot four. Most of the founding fathers who became president were under five foot seven. How their height influenced their personalities, would be an interesting study, but hard to conduct through the mists of time.

I realize I feel a shiver of intmidation when I meet really big men.

I interviewed former Mexican president Vincente Fox who is six-six. The thought of his height bothered me more than his role.

When I entered the room, he was staring out the window, lost in thought. I walked over to him and tapped him gently. "Down here," I said. He laughed.

I realize being a woman is a disadvantage to being taken seriously. Being short adds to the problem. Once, when lobbying at the Boston State House, a politican asked "Why is a cute little girl like you need to do this?"  At least he didn't pat me on the head.

Height is determined by genetics and by environment. Well nourished children, regardless of heritage, will reach their full height potential. How it changes personality and self-perception is only one factor.

Note: Check out D-L's website

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