Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Truth/ Lies Assange/Trump

As I write this Julian Assange is on a plane in a step toward his freedom. He will agree to certain conditions including the admission of espionage for his freedom after twelve years of prosecution, many in jail, others in sanctuary of the Ecuadorian embassy. His time in prison will be considered time served.

His crime was showing Americans committing war crimes in Iraq by shooting civilians. He also published other military documents. The stories were picked up by major newspapers in the U.S., U.K. and other countries. No charges were ever brought against those papers.

I had the opportunity to meet Assange, briefly, in Geneva when he spoke to the UN.

He was mercilessly pursued including facing rape charges in Sweden, later dropped.

His revelations were backed by video. Other stories were picked up by major newspapers in the U.S., U.K. and other countries. No charges were ever brought against those papers. In today's world, journalism does not necessarily need a print or new network. 

The internet has replaced many publications. Admittedly some of the information put up is false, but Wikileaks, which was started by Assange in 2006 and uses information from whistleblowers, revealed items that governments didn't want people to know, mostly things that they should know.

Trump, on the other hand, has been caught in thousands and thousands of lies. The Washington Post has reported 30,573 over-four-years.The latest comes from a fund raising letter that he was tortured in a Georgia jail, where he went to have his mug shot taken. He was in and out of the building so fast, that torture had to be extremely efficient ... or a lie.

He lies about what others have done, what he has done, what the U.S. has done or hasn't done.

Assange lost 12 years of his life reporting the truth and only will secure his freedom by lying about telling the truth. Trump may become president for lying.

Note: Check out www.dlnelsonwriter.com

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