Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Free Write -- Fish and Sharks

Today's Free Write, a photo of playground fish and sharks, presented extra challenges. How each of the three writers tackled it, was interesting. Two of us are still in France, one in Switzerland but Tuesday morning Free Writes are sacrosant despite any geographic distance.

Julia's Free Write and her prompt

AS HE WALKED past the playground on his way to meet someone in the local coffee shop, he was not running at his usual pace, he had more time for once in his life, to look around and take in the scenery.                                 

Parents had started to gather discreetly so obviously school would soon release its horde of children.                                                      

The odd sweater and jacket were slung over toys, left behind when they were discarded.

An old sequoia tree stood in one corner – on its own and how did it survive?

He stopped a moment and chuckled to himself: now who in their right mind would think that ceramic sharks and fish would make good playground toys?  Did the children even notice them?

A bright pink “fish” and a lovely pale blue “fish” were even kissing – wonder whose idea that was? What was the story? Who had the imagination?

He wandered on, thinking yet again of the vagaries of the human spirit – hoping that the originator of the idea was not somewhere else dealing with real fish and sharks, but that they had kept their sense of humor.

D-L's Free Write 

RUDY WAS A red-spotted fish who lived with his parents and sister Merry. She was blue and hard to see in the blue water.

Merry was always bossing Rudy around and he didn't like it one bit. His parents didn't help. "Take care of your little brother," they would tell Merry.

"Don't!" was Merry' favorite word. Today she told him "don't" leave the area and swim in the big sea.

Rudy ignored her. He loved the big sea with all the other fish, clams and even lobsters.

This day he was alone, which was strange. Then he saw Freddy, the Shark, swimming toward him.

"I'm hungry," Freddy growled.

Rudy twisted and turned and tried to hide behind some sea grass, but Freddy kept calling, "Come here breakfast."

"Ouch!!!" Freddy screamed suddenly. Rocks kept falling on his head.

From his hiding place, Rudy could see Merry pelting rocks on Freddy, who swam away.

Merry joined her little brother. "You never listen to me. I should have let Freddy eat you."

Rudy remembered his manners. "Thank you, Sis."

"Maybe next time you'll listen to me.

Rudy wiggled his fins in agreement as he thought, "Maybe not."

Rick's Free Write - 4 Fishes

Penelope Pinkfish and Bruce Bluefish loved their life swimming around the children’s playground. They adored the shrieks and laughter of the pre-schoolers who burst upon the park during the day, and who would climb on their backs, pretending to ride the fishes through the blue and turquoise ‘waves’ underneath.

One morning, before any children had shown up, they were smooching mouth to mouth, totally oblivious to anything around them – because they thought there was nothing else in their private, blissful world. They did not see Snarky the Shark lurking in the shadows, sneaking up on Bruce from behind.

Snarky and Bruce had a long history, going back to the time Bruce had warned a stray dog that Snarky was about to bite his tail.

As Snarky got closer, Yannick Yellowpuffer spotted him, and wanted to sound an alarm, but he was so nervous all he could do was blow air bubbles.

Penelope noticed something out of the corner of her eye and paused her smooching. “What’s wrong?” Bruce asked.

Just then a rambunctious three-year-old girl jumped on the back of Snarky and grabbed his fin. “Yee-haw,” she shouted.

Penelope and Bruce, realizing they had barely escaped danger, swam away to a safe distance. Yannick was still blowing bubbles. 

Julia has written and taken photos all her life and loves syncing up with friends.  Her blog can be found: https://viewsfromeverywhere.blogspot.com/ 

Rick is an aviation journalist and publisher of www.aviationvoices. com


D-L has had 17 fiction and non fiction books published. Check out her website at: https://dlnelsonwriter.com




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