Sunday, September 08, 2024

To die for the 2nd amendment


We are happy to die for your 2nd Amendment rights.

The question is how many childrren have to die before sensible gun laws are established in the U.S. Thoughts and prayers are doing diddly damn to save them.

The Supreme Court seemed to forget the first three words of the 2nd amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The kid killers weren't part of a militia protecting themselves by bursting into one of the many schools that have suffered mass shootings.

The guns the forefathers wrote about were muskets firing a single shot and used mainly for hunting.

The British militia insisted that the soldiers in the front row fired at the enemy with their one shot, then those that weren't killed by the enemy went to the back row to reload, and the second row of the militia moved to the front row and shot their one shot. The procedure repeated itself throughout the battle. The Americans tended to hide and fire, but it still was one shot, reload, one shot, reload.

Not one of the forefathers would have been able to imagine an AR-15 and its ilk.

I'd like to see hundreds and hundreds of ads on TV on billboards, in papers and magazines, and on social media with adorable children "volunteering" to die so people can have their guns. Maybe, just maybe, the stupidity of the current gun laws would be modified.

Then again, maybe not. The U.S. is too sick as a nation to care more about rights than kids.

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