Sunday, May 19, 2024

Bartavelle, More than a Restaurant



Bartavelle is more than a restaurant for us. It is an experience and for the last decade plus it has represented more than dining at its finest.

Before Rick came into my life, my reward for a good week of writing was a lunch there. I'd take my book, sit in the corner and be rewarded with food that was imaginative, beautiful and every bite a delight.

The restaurant is run by a couple, Stephanie and Thibault who are more than chefs. They are artists with food as their canvas, although Stephanie is also an artist with paint.

12 years ago they prepared our pre-marriage commitment dinner where we could entertain the 16 people who traveled from other countries. One of the guests, also an artist, still says it's the best meal he ever had.

So, it was natural Rick and I would have our 9th anniversary meal there. (In France and Switzerland only a ceremony at city hall is legal.) 

Stephanie, in her charming and welcoming manner, described the choices. Thibault does combinations of spices, sauces and food that even my picky husband will savor things he ordinarily might not eat and love it. 

The Catalan couple seated next to us heard her congratulate us on our anniversary and we chatted a bit with them. They have been married 60 years.

Another couple, whom we had not noticed and not seen for a while, recognized us. He came over and we talked too. He said it was his wife's birthday.

We had some special olive oil to sample, the amuse bouche made me want to lick the pretty cup. I chose tuna, Rick chicken, but again, the imagination and the presentation was like nothing we ever had before. Trying to decide which bite to have next was a challenge, one we happily took.

Our deserts each had a tiny candle, and Stephanie had a special music box which played a tune. We whispered the woman two tables away had a birthday. Stephanie smiled, disappeared. When she returned, the woman, much to her surprise, was presented with a candled desert and music. 

The restaurant's other guests sang to us.

The upper floor of the restaurant have been turned into an art gallery featuring local artists. Before paying, we had to go up and see the new exhibition.

Before we left, the gentleman next to us, said in French. (I'm translating) "I'm a Catalan man, so I will say it in Catalan," Then he did: "Feliç aniversari i molts més."

Our anniversary was so much more than just a lunch. It was an experience.

If anyone reading this is ever in the area, we suggest a booking a meal here.

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