Saturday, May 25, 2024

I'm in a Writing Funk


A writing funk is not the same as writers block.

Writers block means you can't write. 

I can write. I do our weekly free writes with my husband and a friend. The words flow from pen to paper although the free writes are the only time I use paper and pen.

I can do blogs  like this one almost daily. In fact I have a few in waiting.

What I can't seem to get to is the last step of my 300 Unsung Women, a two-year project. I and many friends have identified 300 women throughout time who did remarkable things in many areas: medical, legal, creative, social, revolutions, etc. 

I boiled the 1000-3000 words of research down into 100-200 words that I hoped captured their essence.

I've proofed 270 of them. I can't seem to get to the last 300.

I used everything as an excuse.

A walk in the village, a café sit with friends, computer games. I am watching all seasons of Monk. He makes me feel better about my own semi-OCDism. I cook, clean, even iron.

I've always read a lot usually 30,000+ pages a year. I read all kinds of books, a variety of fiction, history, politics, whatever. That I continue to do rather than edit those last 30 women.

I chant my mantra I've used in other less than wonderful situations -- This too shall pass. Or I hope it will.

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