Saturday, May 18, 2024

Marriage and Magnets


Today is the 9th anniversary of our official marriage at the Corsier, Switzerland Mairie. In Many European countries, the only legal marriage is done at the city hall. 

Our witnesses were my housemate and her son. We sat at a table as the legalese was read and signed our agreement with a silver Caran D'Arche pen which they gave to us, along with the huge bouquet decorating the table.

Although I'm a minimalist, I collect fine pens and still use it to write.

We went to lunch at Marro, our favorite restaurant. The manager gave us champagne. 

English/French are our house languages so when my housemate and her son started speaking in German, I was confused. My German is rusty at best, but I thought she was worried that he had to go to work and could she pick him up after. 

Back home it became a normal writing day. Late in the afternoon Rick and I decided to take a stroll along the lake, a mere five-minute walk from our front door to the water.

When we came home, we were greeted by friends and food, including the son's guacamole. He had made it back in time. The German now made sense. Bless our sneaky housemate for adding to that day making it a lovely end to the day with lovely people.

Two years before we had a commitment ceremony in France, legal only in our eyes but more important for the promises made.

The two events were different. In France there were 40 people from seven countries. Our Swiss friend played his cello, his wife read a poem. We talked to all the people present, people we knew and cared about.

Now what has this to do with the 150+ magnets gracing our fridge?
In a way they are a symbol of our marriage which has been extraodinarily happy.
This is not to say we haven't had minor annoyances.  99% of any problems have been extermal such as the struggle for Rick to get his nationality or my cancer. Yes, the cancer was external because it strengthened our relationship, although I would have preferred another method.
My favorite magnet. Push the bagpipe and it plays.
Everywhere we go, we bring home a magnet: they come from Scotland, Ireland, England, Boston, Germany, D.C., all parts of Switzerland and more. They mark our visits to museums and golf tournaments. Each one is a reminder of happiness on top of happiness. 
We also enjoy sitting on the couch, watching Netflix, reading in bed, sharing writing, a thousand little daily activities that make up our life together.
Nine years.

We received a card today from our witness. She said it all.

"9 years ago it became official! Lucky guys - and I, for one, am glad that you have had these years. Everyone is precious!"

She is right. Everyone is precious.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely!! Congratulations on your loving marriage DL!