Tuesday, April 05, 2011


Oh how we danced on the night we were wed
We vowed our true love though word wasn't said

Why is it Eastern block refugees play this, Besa me mucho(sp?) and sometimes Llara theme on the buses. Don't they know any other songs?

Saying that, there are some really good musicians, especially the violinists.

Waiting for the bus in Corsier Port I often end up talking to refugees from the centre where they stay in our village. Last week it was a woman from Senegal with two daughters who are back home with her mom. She was working in Barcelona but the economic crisis ended that.

Then this week a 25-year old from Mali, a carpenter, told me how hard his life had been.

As anywhere there is some resentment of the refugees. People are quick to accuse them of crime (sometimes true) and also because they get better medical insurance free than citizens (also true).

It is hard to distinguish between the political and economical refugees.

I am just aware of how tremendously lucky I was not to be born in anything but a first world situations and given every opportunity possible. My accident of birth was better than their accident of birth.

What is the point?

I'm not sure except I can't help but feel sympathy for those that have not had the good fortune I've had, and I can't begrudge them a few things going their way.

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