Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dreaming several lives

Winter has returned with winds and cold. Trudging up to the post to pick up a registered letter I started thinking, (always dangerous). What if I had many lives to live what would I do.

First I knew without doubt I would be a writer and Swiss in all future lives. Hopefully many people I adore from this  would turn up in my other lives, but aside from that what would I do...what would I be...?

Here's what I came up with...

An anthropologist but studying modern life in different countries.

A journalist the kind that gets to travel the world and report on world leaders.

A potter

A painter

A biologist working with plants

A college professor

I would speak English, French, German, Italian all fluently and almost without errors. (In this life my French stutters along and my German is buried deep in my database to be brought on in small doses) I suppose I can claim to be almost bilingual in this life but quatra-lingual in all others.

I would live as a base in different lives in Geneva, Paris, Edinburgh, Montreal, Stuttgart. I would also live in the Alps alà Heidi. I would live on the Maine coastline.

I would master math instead of it mastering me.

I would ski

I would swim

I would always have a small house of flat.

I would try not to have a car

In all lives there were would be black chocolate

I'd make a film

In none of the lives would I work for a corporation

I'd be a rabel rouser 

I'd ride horseback through the surf

I'd have daughters and lovers in all lives

Don't think I'm dissatisfied with my current life. In fact it as perfect as it can possible be with just enough problems for me to be thrilled with new violets in the spring, DVD nights, a hug a good meal, friends, etc. I think I've crammed as much as I reasonably could into this life. But it is fun to dream...


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