Wednesday, July 03, 2013

SNCF does good PR

I've often said that SNCF schedules are suggestions. Leaving Argelès at 7:34 exactly on time, we were not worried that our train would not be so late we'd miss our connection. It's a much too common occurrence that we have to rush for a train because the first one is late.

What we didn't worry about was that our connection would be late by 1.5 hours. We knew there would be later trains for Geneva than we originally were scheduled on.

Since we didn't have to be in Geneva by any particular time, I used the time to try and learn the smartphone as we sat in the brasserie and ate a hot chocolate and drank tea. Pleasant and no sweat on time.

Once on the train with knowledge of our next train from Lyon where we would change for the last part of our voyage, we sat back and worked on our wedding ceremony.

A conductor, one so tall, he almost hit his head on the rounded ceiling, brought packages around that contained a good salad, apple sauce, a game book, candy, water, coloured pencils, an apology, etc. 

Since both Rick and I are PR people we appreciated what they must have done to call ahead and arrange to have the packages put on at Montpelier.

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