Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We're going to Malta

The travel agent asked J. when we wanted to go to Malta...

"February or March..."

She continued to question us until J. told her this was not just a winter getaway.

When her sister was dying of cancer and my much-loved stepmom was sinking faster and faster into her own world, each morning we woke never knowing  if one or both of us would be faced with a new crisis.

Trying to help those we dearly loved from 3,000 and 6,000 miles away takes much energy and ingenuity. We shared our frustrations, our pains, our love for the people we were losing.

On the worse days we would try and build something good but eventually we hit upon a promise to ourselves. When we were no longer in crisis we would give ourselves a treat.

We did not begrudge these two wonderful women whatever we could do for them.  Phone conversations with them were precious, solutions, when found,  were celebrated.

Malta became the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. When things were really bad one of us would say "Malta" and the other would smile. The world Malta was written on the chalkboard in the WC to remind us there would be times when the phone ringing or an email did not bring a glitch to the stomach.

Because of other commitments it has taken a while to find a time to book a trip to Malta. Today was the day. 

We'll go early next year. Even the hotel is arranged with a flight through Rome. We may explore some of the historic sites, look at the art, eat in the good restaurants. We might even hide in the hotel for a day and read, read, read...

J's sister and my stepmom have lost their brave battles. Their absence will always leave a hole in our lives. In someway I hope they knew how much we loved them and will understand this as a celebration of their lives by bringing joy into our own.

http://viewsfromeverywhere.blogspot.ch/ on my housemate's take of the same event.


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