Wednesday, March 20, 2019

International Happiness Day

On Facebook I regularly publish a list of things that make me happy. I don't need a special day.

Most of the things aren't exceptional. Flowers in winter or those that pop up as spring is about to arrive.

My dog finding a sunbeam to sleep in.

A cup of tea, or the tea my husband brings me each morning.

What I never quite lose track of is how incredibly lucky I am. Not that I haven't had my downs. My divorce was definitely not a happy time, but it opened the world to the life I was meant to lead.

There was worry about my daughter's childhood illness that now is just a memory. And being a two-time cancer survivor had memories that were more full of fear than happiness. Even around those more difficult time, there were moments of joy.

I have everything in life that I want and more. The rest is detail.

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