Sunday, October 10, 2021





She jumped into rainbow leaves,

laughing with her children,

creating leaf cyclones,

smelling their caramel smell,

listening to their crackle.


Her husband said,

“Don’t you know how long

I spent raking those leaves?

You have irresponsibility syndrome.”


At Christmas

She wheeled three carts

heaped with toys from a store,

saw a box from a charity

for youngsters who would

know no Santa. She emptied

the carts, keeping one toy

for each of her children

and a stocking stuffer or two.


Her husband said,

“You’re nuts,

ruined our Christmas with

your philanthropist fantasies.”


Holding her tea

she watched the snow drift

from her kitchen window,

planned a snow woman,

Odette of Swan Lake

en point with an icy tutu.


Her husband said,

“Look at the dishes piled

in the sink as you stare.

You have daydream disorder.”


He took her to a shrink, who

talked about dysfunction,

pilled her,

shrank her,

stamped her cured.


Her house is cleaner.

She waits for her children to grow,

rakes leaves in real time,

shovels snow.

plots her escape.

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