Wednesday, March 16, 2022



I'll admit it...I'm neurotic when it comes to snoring. My first experience was at university. There was no dorm space, but a widow rented her extra rooms in her two-family house to students.

The first night I barely slept not with excitement about starting university, but with snoring of the person above me.

It was with great relief when other students moved in and I moved to share a room with Betty, who didn't snore. My mother was furious and insisted I be given my private room back. Mrs. Power and I agreed we'd let my mother think I'd moved back.

My next problem with snoring was with my father. I was waiting to join my new husband overseas. He was in the room next to mine, but his snores penetrated our adjoining wall.

My new husband, now my ex, didn't snore. Several decades later I don't know if this is still the case or not.

My current and last husband does snore. It varies from cute little putt-putts to window rattling emissions. He was always willing to turn over, but as a not-great sleeper, I was getting more and tired.

Enter stage right: our landlords who told us about SnoreTek. This is not a commercial. They had an office near the station Cornavin. 

We went.

Rick was fitted with the mouth piece which he finds comfortable.

Since he has worn it for several nights, we both have slept, a far better solution to my having to escape to another room.

Oh, and I am told I snore too, which I believe. However, there was the night my daughter and I were in the same room and she woke me to turn over because I was snoring.

Awake, I could hear loud snoring. It wasn't me. It was our Japanese Chin, Mika. I doubt if I would have bought a mouth piece for him.


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