Thursday, August 08, 2024

Banning the 10 Commandments


The 10 Commandments should be banned because they are as unsuitable for children as are other banned books. 

Let's take them one by one on how they can damage our children.

1. Granted that monotheistic religions are more common in America, but among the 4,000 or so religions on the planet, many are monotheistic. Children exposed to only one religion can grow up intolerant and ignorant. Over the course of history too many wars have been fought for the my-god-is-better-than-your-god school.

2. Idols. Okay, there go movie stars, music stars, sports figures, and even people like a certain ex-president. And does that mean all images of any human should be eliminated? No TV, movies, illustrations. Influencers would be out of business, which might not be a bad thing.

3. This one isn't so bad. Swearing at best is rude. But which Lord's name shouldn't be taken in vain? Does that mean a child can't say Damn Lord Dingwell? Would a child wonder why you can't take a lady's name in vain? What if the parents swear by saying Jesus Christ, will they lose respect for that parent? Is saying Jesus H. Christ as many do, mean with the H it isn't a lord?

4. Should all children who don't go to church on Sunday feel guilty? What does keeping it holy mean? No playing? No eating? No whatevers?

5. Honoring your parents is a good thing overall, but is there room to not honor an abusive parent? A parent that's addicted to something?

6. You shall not murder. That's a good one, but that means not being a soldier and killing in a war? What if a child's parent or older sibling has served in the U.S. Army and killed people?I guess every child who sees this and believed it will never be in the armed services.

7. Does anyone want to discuss with a young child what adultery is? Books with sexual themes are among those banned in many places so, this fails in that category.

8. You shall not steal, is a good one. That could be left. No explanation is necessary.

9. Bearing false witness might mean to a kid, testifying in a court room, but teachers could explain that's just fancy talk for saying no lies. You shouldn't lie about your neighbors, but what about someone in a different town, your brother, sister, etc.?

10. You shall not covet. Teachers would need to define covet. This means no more advertising which is designed to make one covet big time. It also means that Jones family does not have to worry about their neighbors keeping up with them.

Teaching religions in schools would be okay if it taught all the major religions. Teaching values of honesty and caring for others is okay but you don't need religion to do that if the goal is to have a caring society that works for its people.

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